Friday, November 28, 2008

Canada Goose Hunting in Georgia and South Carolina

Today, there are still no migrant geese in Georgia, but there are plenty of resident birds. Many of the Canada geese are descendants of the Pennsylvania geese that were stocked in Georgia, and many are descended from captive flocks held by hunters to lure migrants in. When live decoys were outlawed, according to Balkcom, a lot of people turned their captive flocks loose.

Over time, the state's Canada goose population has swelled to nuisance proportions. In the 13 years since that first eight-day season in 1991 in about 10 percent of the state, the shooting session has burgeoned to a 70-day season in 100 percent of the state with a five-goose-per-day limit for anyone who wants to hunt.

An early season for Canada geese will be Sept. 1-30. This season is statewide. Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise until sunset. The daily bag limit for Canada geese during this early season is 15 birds.

There's also a late season for Canada Geese (roughly Nov. 26 to Feb. 15 with some breaks).  Details here:

pyjamas - AJAX in python

Many people, when first finding out about Google Web Toolkit, wonder "why can't I use Python instead of Java?". pyjamas is designed to make that possible.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Git for the Cocoa Developer: A Typical Workflow

Aside from being a repository for me of all the tasks I commonly do with Git, I'm hoping that this post will act as a quick start guide for anyone who's interested in using Git for their Cocoa development source control needs.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

JSCocoa — A bridge from JavascriptCore to Cocoa

Write Cocoa apps in Javascript ! JSCocoa bridges Cocoa to JavascriptCore (WebKit's JS engine). It allows you to call C code, ObjC code, use C structs, and build Javascript classes inheriting from ObjC classes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12 SQLite Resources for iPhone Developers

We've collected together some of the best SQLite related tutorials, and libraries in order to help you on your way with this essential iPhone programming technology

Monday, November 10, 2008

iui - iPhone web framework

iUI has the following features:

  • Create Navigational Menus and iPhone interfaces from standard HTML
  • Use or knowledge of JavaScript is not required to create basic iPhone pages
  • Ability to handle phone orientation changes
  • Provide a more "iPhone-like" experience to Web apps (on or off the iPhone)

Dynamic Default.png files on the iPhone

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Phys Ed - Stretching - The Truth

The old presumption that holding a stretch for 20 to 30 seconds — known as static stretching — primes muscles for a workout is dead wrong. It actually weakens them.

Stretching muscles while moving, on the other hand, a technique known as dynamic stretching or dynamic warm-ups, increases power, flexibility and range of motion. Muscles in motion don't experience that insidious inhibitory response.

These exercises- as taught by the United States Tennis Association's player-development program – are good for many athletes, even golfers. Do them immediately after your aerobic warm-up and as soon as possible before your workout.


(for the hamstrings and gluteus muscles)

Kick one leg straight out in front of you, with your toes flexed toward the sky. Reach your opposite arm to the upturned toes. Drop the leg and repeat with the opposite limbs. Continue the sequence for at least six or seven repetitions.


(for the lower back, hip flexors and gluteus muscles)

Lie on your stomach, with your arms outstretched and your feet flexed so that only your toes are touching the ground. Kick your right foot toward your left arm, then kick your leftfoot toward your right arm. Since this is an advanced exercise, begin slowly, and repeat up to 12 times.


(for the shoulders, core muscles, and hamstrings)

Stand straight, with your legs together. Bend over until both hands are flat on the ground. "Walk" with your hands forward until your back is almost extended. Keeping your legs straight, inch your feet toward your hands, then walk your hands forward again. Repeat five or six times. G.R.

The link has diagrams and a video.  Also, static stretching is still considered a good way to cool down after exercise.