, there are still no migrant geese in Georgia, but there are plenty of resident birds. Many of the Canada geese are descendants of the Pennsylvania geese that were stocked in Georgia, and many are descended from captive flocks held by hunters to lure migrants in. When live decoys were outlawed, according to Balkcom, a lot of people turned their captive flocks loose.
Over time, the state's Canada goose population has swelled to nuisance proportions. In the 13 years since that first eight-day season in 1991 in about 10 percent of the state, the shooting session has burgeoned to a 70-day season in 100 percent of the state with a five-goose-per-day limit for anyone who wants to hunt.
An early season for Canada geese will be Sept. 1-30. This season is statewide. Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise until sunset. The daily bag limit for Canada geese during this early season is 15 birds.