Sunday, August 29, 2010

Less Framework 2

> A css framework for cross-device layouts

Posted via email from miner49r

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Java tip: How to read files quickly

For the best Java read performance, there are four things to remember:

  • Minimize I/O operations by reading an array at a time, not a byte at a time. An 8Kbyte array is a good size.
  • Minimize method calls by getting data an array at a time, not a byte at a time. Use array indexing to get at bytes in the array.
  • Minimize thread synchronization locks if you don't need thread safety. Either make fewer method calls to a thread-safe class, or use a non-thread-safe class like FileChannel and MappedByteBuffer.
  • Minimize data copying between the JVM/OS, internal buffers, and application arrays. Use FileChannel with memory mapping, or a direct or wrapped array ByteBuffer

Posted via email from miner49r

Monday, August 16, 2010

Clojure Workers and Large Scale HTTP Fetching

In this post, we will build the core fetcher and core workers for a single machine, and introduce a new project for workers in clojure, called work

work uses clj-http:

clj-http is a new Clojure HTTP client library inspired by Ring and designed for simplicity, robustness, extensibility, and testability.

Posted via email from miner49r

John Cleese on Creativity

Headius: My Thoughts on Oracle v Google

This is a long article with some useful comments on the history of Java and the details of the patents in dispute.

Now we come to the biggest question of all: how does this suit affect the Java world, regardless of outcome?

Well it's obviously not great to have two Java heavyweights bickering like schoolchildren, and it would be positively devastating if Android were obliterated because of this. But I think the real damage will be in how the developer community perceives Java, rather than in any lasting impact on the platform itself.

Let's return to some of our facts. First off, nothing in this suit would apply to any of the three mainstream JVMs that 99% of the world's Java runs on. Hotspot and JRockit are both owned by Oracle, and J9 is subject to the Java specification's patent grant for compliant implementations. The lesson here is that Android is the first Java-like environment since Microsoft's J++ to attempt to unilaterally subset or superset the platform (with the difference in Android's case being that it doesn't claim to be a Java environment, and it may not actually need the patent grant). Other Java implementations that "follow the Rules" are in the clear, and so 99% of the world's use of Java is in the clear. Sorry, Java haters...this isn't your moment.

Posted via email from miner49r