Friday, August 21, 2009

Connecting SLIME to a remote Clojure Repl

Being able to connect to a remote running image can be useful – especially for times when you can't have your development environment present on the remote server and still need to introspect the running process.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Stanford Classbook - Class of '84 reunion

Steve Miner
Stanford 1984

now living in South Carolina

email: Miner[at]

Favorite Stanford Memories

  • Bringing a keg into the stadium to watch John Elway play football

  • Todd's shortcut to a party at Roble, ending with a splash

  • Midnight Mass before Christmas break

  • The Patio Grill: young entrepreneurs find a way to succeed only to be undone when a photo in the SJ Mercury News prompts unfair competition complaints from Casa de Fruta

  • John McCarthy's seminars

Major: Electrical Engineering

Residences: Donner, Mirrielees, Newman Center (off campus), Adelfa

Student Activities: Hasher, Newman Center (Catholics), B.Baggins@LOTS

Life after Stanford

  • Places: Menlo Park; Mountain View; Sunnyvale; Calabash, NC; Evans, GA (near Augusta); and Mount Vintage Plantation near North Augusta, SC.

  • Married Lisa in 1994. She's originally from England, has a Master's degree from Oxford (1982), formerly an accountant, now a landscape designer and horticulturalist, also mummy to two wonderful dogs.

  • No kids, several dogs who are truly members of the family: Bertie (Basset Hound) 1994-2006, Heidi (Belgian Malinois) 1997-present, and Cleo (Great Dane) 2006-present.

  • Software jobs: SRI International, Xerox PARC, Institute for Research on Learning, Price-Waterhouse, ParcPlace, Apple and Janus Research Group.

  • My mother thinks I invented the iPod, which is not strictly true, but it's a good story to tell at parties.

  • Volunteer firefighter in Calabash (2004 - 2006)

  • Volleyball: My volleyball highlight was playing with Olympic Gold Medalist Eric Fonoimoana on the beach at Turks (see picture). I played in the IVL rec leagues for many years in the Bay Area. I'm now the oldest guy in the gym in my Augusta league.

  • Golf: I'm a duffer, but I'll keep at it. As P.G. Wodehouse says, "Sudden success in golf is like the sudden acquisition of wealth. It is apt to unsettle and deteriorate the character." I had the good fortune to attend a practice round at the Masters last year.

Favorite quote:
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
-- Ronald Reagan

Bertie and me at 3:00 AM 1994

Firefighter gear 2004

Beach Volleyball with the Pros 2003

Steve, Cleo, Lisa and Heidi 2008